Refugees are not the crisis. It’s the narratives we tell about them
The new media explosion and the increased access to mobile technology, where cheap smart phones allow one to record video materials and post them instantly on the internet leads to opportunities within what Burgess (2006) calls large consumer participation in the media culture.
Changes are not only related to democratization of content creation or user generated content, due to the web 2.0, but also to what Florida (2002, quoted by Burgess, 2006) referred as ubiquitous creativity, a feature of the current cultural citizenship. We are all potential authors, creators, and citizens. In fact, in terms of the storyteller, we have moved from a physical person to an online web 2.0 person with the potential to become an online storyteller. The physical storyteller has been transformed into a digital version of herself and this, in case of many people, demands an increase newer digital skills and abilities.
Read more: https://www.unhcr.org/innovation/refugees-are-not-the-crisis-its-the-narratives-we-tell-about-them/