DIGIMI.eu launches a free App to give voice to Migrants and Refugees in Europe
The Application, created by The consortium within the framework of the European project digimi.eu, is free to download and is available in 8 languages. It is currently being used by organizations in various countries facilitating the integration of migrants and refugees through training, volunteering and digital skills about inspiring Storytelling.
The refugee crisis in Europe is a reality that continues to create many challenges. Actions are needed to help generate stability and inclusion within our societies and help mitigate hate speech that occurs on the Internet. Bearing this in mind, DIGIMI.EU Project has been collaboratively working since 2019 to provide digital solutions and tools that facilitate the inclusion of migrants and the organizations and volunteers who work with them on a daily basis, so that they tell their stories and experiences and share them with the local community in different cities like Madrid, Athens, Nicosia, Vienna, Porto, Vilna or Amsterdam.
DIGIMI App (DIGItal Storytelling for Migrants Integration) is a free and easy-to-use tool that guides facilitators, educators, social workers, local communities and migrants through the process of recording personal stories to share with the community to inspire and help others who have been through the same situation. It can be downloaded for free for for Android and also at the App Store.
The application has been developed by Fundación Cibervoluntarios in Spain in close collaboration with Story Telling Center based in the Netherlands coordinators of the project and CSI Center for Social Innovation in Cyprus. DIGIMI App allows you to create, share and save 3–5-minute videos made from a combination of images, text and audio.
The app also uses a free website that guides participants through the process of creating an original video from start to finish, from script writing to video editing. From the App, these stories can be shared on the DIGIMI website as Featured Stories, and also on social networks. Recorded Digital Stories will be uploaded to be an inspiration to other Migrants and locals to help in the process of adaptation and inspire action, collaboration and change. From a mobile device it also allows users to explore other DIGIMI Digital Stories, and easily select and share these videos.
The DIGIMI project has been financed with the support of the European Commission, AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund). Fundación Cibervoluntarios has worked for the last 2 years together with 10 organizations from 8 EU countries: Italy, Holland, Cyprus, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Lithuania to implement the project and achieve the stated objective: Facilitate online tools and digital solutions with transnational actions to support the asylum and integration of migrants in Europe.
How to use DIGIMI App
1: Select language: DIGIMI is a multilingual App, select your language and start!
2: Welcome area: You can go through easy guidelines on how to make a better Digital Storytelling. Users can also have the chance to prepare some questions to guide the recording or go directly to record.
3: You can add a title for the interview before recording and create a short custom Questionnaire list.
4: Once the user has selected the questions, those selected will be added automatically to the final list before recording.
5: Start recording with two options only audio or Video. The user can pause and start again. At the end of the recording, you can add a picture or image to be the cover of the Digital Story.
6: After the user finish the recording, the user can decide to only save and upload later or upload directly to the DIGIMI website. The archive will be saved automatically in the device.
Further info at digimi.eu