Make a difference: towards a positive outlook on migration in Andalusia
From DIGIMI we want to highlight good practices on migrant integration involving migrants and local communities. Initiatives of (digital) storytelling that are taking place in the Spanish territory. “Soy Migrante” (I am a migrant) is the UN Migration Agency’s platform to promote diversity and inclusion of migrants in society. It’s specifically designed to support volunteer groups, local authorities, companies, associations, groups, indeed, anyone of goodwill who is concerned about the hostile public discourse against migrants. The webpage is translated into 6 different languages.
In Spain, this tool has been used in Andalusia through the project: ‘Marca la diferencia: hacia una mirada positiva sobre la migración en Andalucía’ (Make a difference: towards a positive outlook on migration in Andalusia) launched by the OIM (Organización Mundial para las Migraciones) y la AACID (Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo). Starting from the premise that diversity and coexistence are the driving force for development, for economic growth, for the life of each person, as well as for the future of our societies. The main objective of the project is to promote a more balanced and realistic vision of migration in Andalusia, based on clear, objective and empirical-based information. The set of activities mentioned above will be aimed at Andalusian society in the broadest sense, being understood by these: public administration, young people, private sectorand civil society In the webpage of I am a migrant, the storytelling is executed through text and videos; it depends on the cases. Have a look at the vedeos here:
Videos “Make a difference”, first-person stories of migrants residing in Andalusia.
The migrants tell what they love about Andalusia and what they were surprised about the local culture of their host country, for example. They also share about why they left their country, their integration process and what they miss from home. The participants are presented in the webpage of the project with a picture, the distance they are from home and a highlight of their testimony.
As can be observed in the Twitter account, the project is quite active, A really great example on good practice on Migrants Digital Storytelling: https://twitter.com/iamamigrant