Discover the DIGIMI.eu multilingual training package: How to use digital storytelling as an awareness tool for migrant integration in Europe
The project DIGIMI (DIGItal storytelling for Migrant Integration) has as a key objective the involvement of the local community to facilitate social integration for migrants through volunteer activities which provide support to third knowledge of the new local environment, the country nationals in areas such as “ways, customs and habits” of the new society, as well as understanding of the latter through digitally narrated stories. Storytelling regarding present and past recollections, interests , and hopes is associated with coping mechanisms and recently arrived third-country nationals can exchange, compare and combine their stories with those of long established migrants and local populations in the affected partner communities. DIGIMI is an AMIF project (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) Funded by the European Union.
The training package, available here in 8 languages, consists of a Digital Storytelling tool in the form of a web app that will host project information and pedagogical materials for practitioners working with migrants, The training modules aim to support social workers and volunteers of the community to host social awareness workshops using the methodology of digital storytelling created by DIGIMI. The training package has been created by the consortium of DIGIMI project: Storytelling Centre (Netherlands), CESIE (Italy), Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus), Eurotraining (Greece), COFAC (Portugal), Symplexis (Greece), Compass (Austria), Fundación Cibervoluntarios (Spain), Diversity Development Group (Lithuania), BildungsLAB (Austria). All the modules and the methodology has been created to deliver training workshops and enhance participation and diversity.
The DIGIMI training modules are an easy way for social workers, volunteers to guide the sessions with the migrants:
Module 1 – Introductory. Storytelling Theory and Creating the space for Storytelling Awareness
Module 2 – Awareness activity for the community: How to use digital storytelling as an awareness tool
Module 3 – Practical steps: Plan development of a digital storytelling based, social awareness workshop in the community
What will the participants be able to do after successfully completing the modules?
Participants in the training will know and improve their digital skills and competences in Digital Storytelling, specifically:
- Learn how and when to apply digital storytelling
- Learn how to involve migrants and BIPs in the development of awareness raising activities
- Get to know the potential risks
- Understand the impact of digital storytelling and how to use it
- Understand how to use the DIGIMI webapp during an awareness session for social integration
- Use digital storytelling as an awareness tool for social inclusion
You will also find extensive guiding in the followed methodology and develop it to your local organization working with migrants.
You can also download in 8 languages DIGIMI Methodology, that includes a theoretical framework of storytelling for social integration and also practical tools that will help the practitioners to develop this kind of workshops. The DIGIMI project centers around making social impact, namely building stronger and more resilient communities by connecting different groups within those communities: newcomers and people living in these communities for a longer time already. We believe that social impact can only be achieved if you both pay attention to the individual and the connection between individuals. For that reason, we not only focus on the principles of creating social impact through storytelling but also on how storytelling can contribute to personal growth, empowerment and – as a result of that – resilience.
Currently the DIGIMI partners countries are developing the trainings and testing of the App and very soon we will showcase the results. Further info at www.digimi.eu